Tuesday 20 November 2012

OUGD403 - Message and delivery: alterations to mailshot and posters

Having had my crit it made me aware that I had a few changes to make in order for all of my work to make sense as a set. I have made typographical changes to the mailing list to make it clearer who the recipients are...

I have kept the design of my envelope the same as I showed in my developmental work what the envelope would look like if it was all black and decided against it because it may look too threatening in the post. This was the only other major critisism I received and I therefore feel as though I have taken everything into consideration whilst making minor alterations. I have also made changes to the designs of my posters so that they coincide with my mailshot and distribute the same message. Originally my text only poster related to Afghanistan in general and it didn't fit in with the rest of my work so I have made the most alterations to that, focusing on the charity for Afghan women instead and asking for donations.

When printing my final mailshots and posters I used normal printer paper. I had bought some card to print on, however this wouldn't feel through the printer. I am quite glad that this happened though because I think card would have not only been too thick to fold but it would have also been less cost effective if my designs had been applied to a real life situation whereby it was necessary to be able to have my designs mass produced within a certain budget. I think it is important to always have this in mind when designing and although the paper I have used isn't the highest quality it still looks professional in my opinion and often in the post it is usually the same quality as this anyway. The stock I have chosen is well suited to my work, easy to replicate and cost effective.

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